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You are welcome to participate at the Nordic Photosynthesis Congress in Turku, Finland.

Final Programme for the 14th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress (NPC14) is available now. Please visit: NPC14- Final Programme

The program is comprised of invited lectures given by internationally recognized premier academics, oral presentations (15 + 5 min), and short flash presentations given by young researchers (5 min). Posters will be presented in electronic form in separate poster sessions.

Look forward to seeing you  in Turku soon!

The preliminary programme of the 14th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress (NPC14) can be found here: . Please note that the programme is subject to change.

Please check the congress web page ( for accommodation & travelling!

Look forward to seeing you  in Turku!

REGISTRATION is now open!

The Nordic Photosynthesis Congress takes place every two years and for the year 2019 the 14th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress (NPC14) will be held over three days from Wednesday 22 May to Friday 24 May 2019 in Turku, Finland.

The program of NPC14 covers structures and evolution of photosynthetic complexes, regulation and acclimation of photosynthesis, as well as bioengineering for improvement of photosynthetic yield and production of valuable biocompounds. Plenary lectures will be given by recognized international speakers.

NordAqua Director Academy Professor EvaMari Aro is one of the invited speakers of the NPC14. For the invited speakers list please visit congress web page  Details of the congress programme will be released soon!

Please stay tuned for congress web page ( ) and NordAqua social media accounts for further info!

Look forward to seeing you  in Turku!