Our aims

Nordic countries share similar values, characteristics and climate, and therefore face similar challenges in aqua- and agriculture. Using our common experience as a base, we seek to merge forces to establish a common strategy in developing production platform concepts suitable for the Nordic bioeconomy.

NordAqua will develop production platforms aimed at improving and diversifying current aquatic phototrophic production systems in Nordic countries.

NordAqua aims to:

(i) develop a value chain of activities for the sustainable production of bio-based products, by making use of the unique properties of aquatic photosynthetic organisms;

(ii) improve photosynthesis and develop synthetic biology tools for creating cell factories producing a diverse range of fuels and fine chemicals;

(iii) create fruitful interactions with company partners to achieve efficient knowledge transfer to industry (e.g. in the field of synthetic biology);

(iv) interact with key players in society, including decision makers and the public to foster science-based decision making towards conceptual and solid frameworks for a bio-based economy;

(v) provide cross-border mobility and inform a broader range of stakeholders including end-users (consumers), aquacultural producers like fish farmers, and the education sector (schools, university students and young researchers, entrepreneurs in bio-based industry).

The NordAqua comprises 7 interlinked research work packages.